
NOVA Real Producers Rising Star Feature

Living a Purpose-Driven Life: Kay Houghton’s Rise in Real Estate

The Foundation of Purpose

Kay Houghton’s unwavering commitment to her work is rooted in a deep-seated belief in living a purpose-driven life. This principle not only serves as the bedrock of her company but also as the compass that guides her leadership style and the well-being of her employees.

Believing in treating staff as family, Kay’s company stands out in the industry for offering comprehensive benefits, fostering a supportive and high-achieving work environment that encourages mutual growth and success.

Overcoming Challenges and Celebrating Achievements

Despite the curveball life threw at her with a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis, Kay’s determination only grew stronger. Her resilience and adaptability have not only helped her to overcome personal obstacles but also to lead her team to win prestigious awards and achieve exponential growth.

From an individual annual production of $7 million to a projected $45 million team goal, Kay and her team’s success is a testament to the effectiveness of their purpose-driven approach and their collective efforts to excel.

Building Community and Fostering Growth

Kay’s passion extends beyond real estate; she is a cherished pillar of the Shirlington community and an ardent supporter of animal welfare. Her actions reflect a deep commitment to her neighborhood, and her desire to contribute meaningfully to the lives around her.

With plans to expand her team and reach even higher milestones, Kay remains focused on creating a sustainable model for success that benefits not just her clients and employees, but the larger community as well.